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Recent Blog Posts


 Posted on September 10,2009 in Social Security Disability

Welcome to the Social Security Defenders LLC's Illinois Social Security Disability Blog!  In the upcoming weeks our disability law firm will be posting news, recent events, and discussing various issues predominantly focusing on Social Security disability benefits.

The goal of this blog is to provide the public with general information (not legal advice) covering a wide array of topics. As you can imagine, there are hundreds of different medical conditions and different situations for which people are applying for Social Security disability benefits. There are also a number of different frustrations that claimants endure going through the process from dealing with the government to having to wait potentially years to even have a chance at obtaining the benefits.

We look forward to the feedback we will hopefully receive and will work diligently and with the utmost effort to try and provide information that can hopefully help claimants navigate through the system or at the very least point them in the right direction. Any questions, concerns, or comments are more than welcome. In the meantime, our Social Security disability law firm is eager to provide you with information covering such a rich and important array of topics.

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At a Hearing, What Doctors Should I Use As Evidence For My Claim?

 Posted on September 10,2009 in Social Security Disability

It finally comes time for a hearing, the day most of my clients have been waiting months for. After sometimes over a year of waiting for a disability determination, my clients know that the hearing will most likely be the final say on whether he or she receives disability benefits. Numerous times, I have been asked by claimants what doctors should be used as evidence in support of their disability claim. This is usually brought on when a claimant discovers that the Social Security Administration can submit evidence from their own doctors.

While every case is unique in their own right, my answer invariably is to use your own medical doctor. Your doctor has worked with you many times, sometimes even for years on end. Your doctor also knows your case, where you stand mentally or physically, and is usually a specialist in the field. Often times the Social Security doctor is none of the above. Social Security doctors are typically not specialists and have most likely only met with you once. A doctor that has only met with you once, no matter how good the doctor, cannot have the knowledge of your treating physician. If you are ever approached with this scenario with either your attorney or claimants represenative, insist that the medical evidence be used from your actual treating physician.

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