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SSA and Compassionate Allowance Conditions

 Posted on October 04, 2009 in Social Security Disability

As you may have read in some of my other posts, it is clear that the Social Security Administration has its hands full when it comes to disability claims. The backlog in some states have reached well over several years for a claimant to actually go in and have their day in court. To combat the overflow of claimants applying for SSDI and SSI, SSA established the List of Compassionate Allowance Conditions. The basic premise behind the List of Compassionate Allowance Conditions is that people have some medical conditions that qualify for disability benefits on minimal objective medical information. The SSA website states, "Compassionate allowances allow Social Security to quickly target the most obviously disabled individuals for allowances based on objective medical information that we can obtain quickly." The list consists of 50 conditions with the idea that it will expand over time. If you have one of the conditions on the list, it may be possible for your claim to be somewhat expedited. To see the complete List of Compassionate Allowance Conditions, click here

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